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Vortrag im Oberseminar

Am Montag, den 21. Januar, spricht Prof. Ursula Rao über "Incremental Gentrification"

21.01.2019 um 18:00 Uhr

Prof. Ursula Rao (Universität Leipzig)

Incremental Gentrification. Upgrading and the predicaments of making (Indian) cities slum-free

Incremental gentrification describes a social process by which small differences in class status become amplified by their inscription into the urban territory. The term draws attention to forms of spatial discrimination inherent in slum-upgrading programmes. Labour-class neighbourhoods in India and beyond are often neglected by the state. They are only irregularly connected to even the most basic urban services, such as sewage treatment, freshwater supply or solid waste disposal. In this situation, community activism and individual initiative mediate processes of trying to make beautiful, safe, and hygienic poor settlements. The tension between some people’s aspiration and other people’s desperation locks neighbours into passionate negotiations about landscaping. Stone houses, mud huts, strewn plastic bags, open defecation and grazing goats mark the landscape and signify differences in educational status, financial capabilities and lifestyle choices. These markings distinguish aspiring classes from those who remain hopelessly outside the narrative of the world-class city and who continue to face displacement. Processes of spatial differentiation/discrimination are ubiquitous and particularly unsettling in locations of state neglect.


Wann?     Montag, 21.01.2019, 18 Uhr
Wo?         Institut für Ethnologie, Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 München
                Raum L155 (Obergeschoss) Lageplan


Für die Veranstaltungsreihe hat Herr Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann in diesem Semester ein vielseitiges  Programm mit interessanten Themen und ReferentInnen zusammengestellt. Mehr Informationen über ehemalige Vorträge am Institut für Ethnologie finden Sie im „Veranstaltungsarchiv".
