Vortrag im Oberseminar
Am Montag, den 8. Mai 2017 hält Prof. Dr. Valentina Bonifacio einen Vortrag über "Dynamogram of Puerto Casado - On visualising knowledge in an interdisciplinary research project on the history of an abandoned factory in Paraguay"
08.05.2017 um 18:00 Uhr
Prof. Dr. Valentina Bonifacio (Ca’ Foscari, Venedig)
Dynamogram of Puerto Casado - On visualising knowledge in an interdisciplinary research project on the history of an abandoned factory in Paraguay
Though as a platform for storytelling, "Destiempo: Dynamogram of Puerto Casado" is a traveling and always changing exhibition on the genealogical history of a company town in Paraguay. The exhibition itself is the result of a one year collaboration process between a visual anthropologist from Italy, a Paraguayan curator, a group of Paraguayan artists and designers and the inhabitants of the town. The talk will present the exhibition as the production of an anthropological object able to convey meanings and tales through the double lens of mimetic and discursive knowledge, in this sense differing itself from a book. After a general overview, it will focus on one specific fragment of the exhibition called "Bicho Ra'anga", that is the outcome of a collaboration between the anthropologist and artist Fredi Casco.
Wann? Montag, 8. Mai 2017 , 18 Uhr
Wo? Institut für Ethnologie, Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 München
Raum L155 (Obergeschoss) Lageplan
Für die Veranstaltungsreihe hat Herr Prof. Dr. Frank Heidemann in diesem Semester ein vielseitiges Programm mit interessanten Themen und ReferentInnen zusammengestellt.
Mehr Informationen über Vorträge Institut für Ethnologie für das Sommersemester 2017 finden Sie unter „Veranstaltungen".