Workshop: The Gaze and the Image
Workshop with David MacDougall and Christian Suhr
20.06.2016 12:00 Uhr – 16:00 Uhr
Zeit: Mo 20.06.2016, 12-16 Uhr
Ort: Oettingenstraße 67, 12-14 A004, 14-16 C003
This workshop focuses on the way of seeing, the culturally informed gaze, and the multiple messages in moving images.
In the first part of the workshop Christian Suhr will introduce his engagement in what could be called „visual anthropology as a cultural critique“. He has discussed a tv-documentation on Muslims in Denmark with outrages religious statements „preaching death cult“. His meticulous scene-by-scene analysis shows the great difference between what is “said” and what is “meant”.
In the second part David MacDougall will introduce what he calls “literal” cinema in opposition to a “thematically complex” cinema. He will use contemporary examples from recent anthropological film festivals and argues that visual anthropology needs both “looking literally and looking thematically”
Professor David MacDougall, Australian National University, is one of the most influential authors on ethnographic film and active filmmaker. Among his writings are “Transcultual Cinema” and “The Corporeal Image” and his films include “Turkana Conversations”, “Photowallahs”, “Doon School Chronicles”, and “Gandhi´s Children”.
Dr. Christian Suhr, Aarhus University” has made two films with Ton Otto “Ngat is Dead” and “Unity through Culture” and recently made “Descending with Angles” about Muslim Healing in Denmark. He is the editor of the book “Transcultural Montage” (with Rane Willerslev) and author of a number of articles dealing with visual anthropology, spirit possession and psychiatry.
Contact: Prof. Frank Heidemann