Presentation and Discussion
On Monday, May 14th, the well-known filmmaker David MacDougall will talk about "Modes of Camera Use in Documentary and Ethnographic Filmmaking".
14.05.2018 um 17:00 Uhr
David MacDougall
Modes of Camera Use in Documentary and Ethnographic Filmmaking
The way one uses the camera is an integral part of the larger strategy of how a film explores its subject. There are various ways of employing a camera, which could be described as responsive, interactive, and constructive. Each has its uses, and each represents not only a different mode of inquiry but a different way of addressing the viewer.
Professor David MacDougall, Australian National University, is one of the most influential authors on ethnographic film and active filmmaker. Among his writings are “Transcultual Cinema” and “The Corporeal Image” and his films include “Turkana Conversations”, “Photowallahs”, “Doon School Chronicles”, and “Gandhi´s Children”.
After the discussion there will be a chance for an informal get-together at Paradiso restaurant.
When? Monday, May 14th, 5 - 8 pm
Where? room L155, Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Oettingenstraße 67, 80538 München
- Vortrag_MacDougall (488 KByte)