Vortrag von Ananta Kumar Giri am 13. Juni 2013
Am Donnerstag, den 13. Juni 2013 / 18 ct - 20 Uhr spricht Ananta Kumar Giri aus Madras/Indien über 'Sociology and Beyond'
Ananta Kumar Giri (Madras Institute of Development Studies, MIDS) is among the most innovative thinkers in contemporary sociology. In “Sociology and Beyond - Windows and Horizons” he moves beyond the pure exercise of identifying the disciplinary boundaries that separate sociology from philosophy and both from religion, spirituality and other intellectual traditions. Rather, in his positive plea for “planetary realizations”, he suggests reconstituting society, knowledge, self, nature and the inquiring mind therein as what he calls “a field of ontological epistemology of participation”.
The talk is open to anyone interested!
Der Vortrag wird in englischer Sprache gehalten
Weitere Informationen: Jens Zickgraf
Ort: Raum 133 in der Oettingenstraße 67
Zeit: 18:00 ct bis 20:00 Uhr