Die Amerikas: Forschungskolloquium zu den Amerikas aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht
Am Donnerstag, den 11. Januar 2018 hält Susanne Meisch M.A. einen Vortrag über "The Teachers Movement in Oaxaca (Mexico): Organized Response to Federal Politics. A Research Project."
11.01.2018 um 18:00 Uhr
Susanne Meisch M.A.
The Teachers Movement in Oaxaca (Mexico): Organized Response to Federal Politics. A Research Project.
In the summer of 2016, the Mexican political landscape trembled: the teachers in Oaxaca, one of the southern states of the country, united and rose against the reforms introduced by the federal government. Their protests manifested in roadblocks, arson, and looting, causing long delays and food shortages for the people living in the affected regions. The government’s response caused multiple deaths and casualties. The principle reasons for protest were the provisions of the educational reform introduced by Enrique Peña Nieto in the Pacto por México, effectively ending the inheritance and purchase of workspaces and introducing exams before the commencement of teaching. However, the dynamics of the protest in Oaxaca included and until today include other dimensions and for many the teachers have grown to be a symbol of rebellion against an apparently unbridled and uncontrollable government and thus a cause that required support. In order to discuss the topic, it is further necessary to mention the Mexican Revolution and the formation of the new government, resulting in the creation of strong workers’ unions. Additional topics that will be addressed are the organizational structure of the teachers’ union, the formation of a splinter group in the 1970s, and the role they assume for themselves in the context of contemporary politics. The dissertation is still in its infancy, allowing the discussion to be a very open one in the form of a “Werkstattgespräch”.
Wann? Donnerstag, 11. Januar 2018, 18 -20 Uhr
Wo? Oettingenstr. 67, Raum L155 (Obergeschoss)
Veranstalter: Institut für Ethnologie Lageplan
Programm zu den kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen in den Amerikas unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr für das Wintersemester 2017/18 gibt es hier zum Download.
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