Die Amerikas: Forschungskolloquium zu den Amerikas aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht
Am Donnerstag, den 28. Januar 2016 hält Sebastián Ureta (Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Chile) einen Vortrag zu "Caring for waste: Handling tailings in a Chilean copper mine".
28.01.2016 um 18:00 Uhr
Sebastián Ureta (Associate Professor in the Sociology Department at the Universidad Alberto Hurtado - Santiago, Chile)
Caring for waste: Handling tailings in a Chilean copper mine
How can we better deal with the waste produced by industrial processes? This issue is particularly critical for the mining industry, by far the biggest producer of solid industrial waste worldwide. Up to now such a question has overwhelmingly received one answer: through the deployment of different kinds of waste management (WM) programs, technology-based top-down actions over waste whose ultimate aim is to make it disappear; both physically (by leaving it in fully enclosed dumps) and politically, as a matter of concern to deal with. Due to the multiple setbacks that such an approach has faced in terms and large accidents and massive pollution, this presentation will propose the need to complement WM with an alternative logic to deal with the issue: to care for waste. Based on current developments in social theory and science and technology studies, care is presented as a way to deal with waste that, starting from everyday practices and the inescapability of failure, proposes temporary and experimental ways to involve all the concerned parties in searching for better ways to live with our wastes, in material, ethical and political terms. In order to explore the challenges that such an approach entails this presentation will analyze some ethnographic vignettes of caring for waste practices collected while carrying out participant observation among the personnel of one large copper mine located in central Chile.
Wann? Donnerstag, 28. Januar 2016, 18 -20 Uhr
Wo? Oettingenstr. 67, Raum L155 (Obergeschoss)
Veranstalter: Institut für Ethnologie Lageplan
Das Programm zu den kulturwissenschaftlichen Forschungen in den Amerikas unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Eveline Dürr für das Wintersemester 2015/16 steht hier zum Download bereit.
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