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Saxer, Martin
Die Peripherie des Ethnologie. Austausch und Rückzug am Rand des Nationalstaats
Studien aus dem Münchner Institut für Ethnologie – Working papers in social and cultural anthropology, Bd. 7. München (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
Manufacturing Tibetan medicine. The creation of an industry and the moral economy of Tibetanness
Epistemologies of healing, Bd. 12. 1. publ.. New York [u.a.]: Berghahn
Schorch, Philipp; Saxer, Martin; Elders, Marlen (Hrsg.)
Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond
London: UCL Press (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
Manufacturing Tibetan medicine. The creation of an industry and the moral economy of Tibetanness
Dissertation, University of Oxford
Saxer, Martin
Journeys with Tibetan Medicine
Master , Universität Zürich
Saxer, Martin
Provisions for remoteness: cutting connections and forging ties in the Tajik Pamirs
In: Social anthropology, Vol. 27, Nr. 2: S. 187-203
Saxer, Martin; Andersson, Ruben
The return of remoteness: insecurity, isolation and connectivity in the new world disorder
In: Social anthropology, Vol. 27, Nr. 2: S. 140-155
Saxer, Martin
HIMALAYAN MOBILITIES: An Exploration of the Impacts of Expanding Rural Road Networks on Social and Ecological Systems in the Nepalese Himalaya
In: Pacific Affairs, Vol. 92, Nr. 1: S. 161-162
Saxer, Martin
Presence without Encounters. Pending Futures and the Chinese Non(engagement) in the Tajik Pamirs
In: Problems of Post-Communism
Saxer, Martin
A Spectacle of Maps: Cartographic Hopes and Anxieties in the Pamirs
In: Cross-Currents : East Asian history and culture review, Vol. 6, Nr. 1: S. 122-150 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
The Pharmaceutical Assemblage Rethinking Sowa Rigpa and the Herbal Pharmaceutical Industry in Asia Comment
In: Current Anthropology, Vol. 58, Nr. 6: S. 710-711
Saxer, Martin
A Spectacle of Maps: Cartographic Hopes and Anxieties in the Pamirs
In: Cross-Currents e-Journal, Nr. 21 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
Pathways: A Concept, Field Site and Methodological Approach to Study Remoteness and Connectivity
In: Himalaya : the journal of the Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies, Vol. 36, Nr. 2: S. 104-119 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
Re-Fusing Ethnicity and Religion: An Experiment on Tibetan Grounds
In: Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, Vol. 43, Nr. 2: S. 181-204 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
Between China and Nepal: Trans-Himalayan Trade and the Second Life of Development in Upper Humla
In: Cross-Currents : East Asian history and culture review, Nr. 8: S. 31-52 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
A Goat's Head on a Sheep's Body? Manufacturing Good Practices for Tibetan Medicine
In: Medical Anthropology, Vol. 31, Nr. 6: S. 497-513
Saxer, Martin
The Moral Economy of Cultural Identity. Tibet, Cultural Survival, and the Safeguarding of Cultural Heritage
In: Civilisations : Revue Internationale d'Anthropologie et de Sciences Humaines, Vol. 61, Nr. 1: S. 65-82
Saxer, Martin
Herbs and Traders in Transit: Border Regimes and the Contemporary Trans-Himalayan Trade in Tibetan Medicinal Plants
In: Asian Medicine, Vol. 5, Nr. 2: S. 317-339
Saxer, Martin; Schorch, Philipp
Introduction: Materiality and Connectivity
In: Schorch, Philipp; Saxer, Martin; Elders, Marlen (Hrsg.): Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. London: UCL Press. S. 1-14 (Volltext vorhanden)
Zhang, Juan; Saxer, Martin
Introduction: Neighbouring in the Borderworlds Along China’s Frontiers
In: Saxer, Martin; Zhang, Juan (Hrsg.): The art of neighbouring : making relations across China's borders. Asian borderlands; Bd. 2. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. S. 11-29 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
New Roads, Old Trades: Neighbouring China in North-Western Nepal
In: Saxer, Martin; Zhang, Juan (Hrsg.): The art of neighbouring : making relations across China's borders. Asian borderlands; Bd. 2. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. S. 73-92 (Volltext vorhanden)
Saxer, Martin
The Journeys of Tibetan Medicine
In: Hofer, Theresia (Hrsg.): Bodies in balance : the art of Tibetan medicine ; [This catalog is published in conjunction with an exhibition organized and presented by the Rubin Museum of Art, New York, March 15, 2014, through September 8, 2014]. Washington: Univ. of Washington Press. S. 246-256
Saxer, Martin
Tibetan Medicine and Russian Modernities
In: Adams, Vincanne (Hrsg.): Medicine between science and religion ; explorations on Tibetan ground. Epistemologies of healing; Bd. 10. New York [u.a.]: Berghahn. S. 57-80
Rippa, Alessandro; Rest, Matthäus; Gupta, Radhika; Joniak-Lüthy, Agnieszka; Maertens, Carolin; Müller, Juliane; Rail, Lisa; Saxer, Martin
On Roads: A Review Letter [on Harvey/Knox. Roads. An Anthropology of Infrastructure and Expertise]
In: Fieldsights,
Saxer, Martin
[Rezension von] Imagining the Good Life: Negotiating Culture and Development in Nepal Himalaya by Francis Khek Gee Lim. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2008
In: European Bulletin of Himalayan Research, , Nr. 42: S. 173-175