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Gastvortrag von Dennis Banks aus Minnesota

Am 29. Mai 2013 hält Dennis Banks einen Vortrag im Rahmen des Seminars 'Religion und Transformation im indigenen Nordamerika'


 Dennis Banks aus Minnesota hält den Vortrag (englisch):

'American Indian Identity and Resistance'

im Rahmen des Seminars 'Religion und Transformation im indigenen Nordamerika'

Dennis Banks, co-founder of the American Indian Movement in 1968, and one of the leading activists and spokespersons in the occupations of Alcatraz and Wounded Knee in the beginning of the 70s, will share his personal reflections on the rise of native American resistance in the 60s, its roots and its history up to the present time. He will talk about the time of the boarding schools in his youth, the racism of the 60s which led to the founding of AIM, and also about his recent activities as a high school teacher, author, actor and human rights activist. His main focus today is on cultural identity, religion and grassroots projects.

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Termin: Mi., 29.05.2013, 16 Uhr ct

Ort:     Raum E 216 im Hauptgebäude

abstract als .pdf herunterladen


Info: Anka Krämer de Huerta



